Personal Training With Britany

Personal Training With Britany

$300.00 / month



With this monthly subscription, you’ll receive 3 live one-on-one sessions, including specialized training sessions with our expert trainer, Britany. You’ll also get 2 detailed written workouts crafted just for you, so you can continue your fitness journey on your own time. As a member, you’ll gain exclusive access to our private Elite Facebook group, where you can connect with like-minded individuals and get additional tips and support.

You’re also eligible for monthly InBody Scans to keep track of your progress, as long as your subscription is active.

For those interested in group dynamics, we offer group sessions that are held with 2-5 people per session.

Please be aware that a minimum of 30 days’ notice is required for cancellation to avoid being charged for your last month’s subscription.

Read Britany’s Bio for more information on her background.


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