Peanut Butter Diet

Peanut Butter Diet

The Peanut Butter Diet
was written by Holly McCord, MA, RD, and former nutrition editor of Prevention magazine. Holly claims that by incorporating peanut butter into your daily diet, you will lose weight and potentially ward off heart disease. She contends that following a diet that tastes good and satisfies cravings is more sustainable and will lead to greater long-term success. Her approach is based on the idea that a diet higher in healthy fat is more satiating, stabilizing blood sugar and preventing cravings and binges.

This is a reduced calorie, portion-controlled approach that allows women 1,500 calories per day and men 2,200 calories daily. Approximately 35% of calories come from fat. For both women and men, 4-6 tablespoons of peanut butter should be consumed daily.

Exercise is strongly emphasized on this plan, and Holly recommends 45 minutes daily. Weight loss is expected to be approximately 1-2 pounds per week and considered more sustainable and permanent than rapid weight loss.


Foods to include: 

  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Whole grains
  • Lean meats
  • Poultry
  • Fish
  • Low-fat dairy
  • Healthy fats

Foods to avoid:

  • Processed foods
  • Refined grains
  • Refined sugar
  • Full-fat dairy


  • Healthy fats stabilize blood sugar
  • May become a lifestyle approach
  • Encourages whole foods


  • Requires calorie counting, which may be unsustainable and foster obsessive behaviors in some
  • Some may do well on full-fat dairy
  • Peanut butter is one of the most common allergens 



Holly McCord’s The Peanut Butter Diet
Can You Slim Down on Peanut Butter Diet? (Links to an external site.)

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