Master Cleanse

Master Cleanse

The Master Cleanse is a popular approach to cleansing that has also been called the Lemonade Diet, Maple Syrup Diet, and Cayenne Pepper Diet. The cleanse was created by Stanley Burroughs in 1940 and was intended to help treat people suffering from ulcers.

Initially, the Master Cleanse was not intended for weight loss as much as for cleansing the body. However, as it survived modern times, people looked to it for weight loss, improved digestion, and clearer skin. Weight loss occurs because the caloric intake is significantly less than most people consume on a daily basis. On average, 600 to 1200 calories are consumed each day on this cleanse. It’s important to note that the weight is usually regained once the person resumes his/her regular eating.

The Master Cleanse consists of drinking a quart of salt water immediately upon rising and then drinking 6-12 glasses of the concoction below for 10 days. Before bed, an herbal laxative tea is consumed to help flush out the system. The Master Cleanse lemonade recipe is 10 ounces of pure water, 2 tablespoons fresh-squeezed lemon juice, 2 tablespoons pure grade B maple syrup, and 1/10 teaspoon cayenne pepper.

When followed for 10 days, The Master Cleanse has been known to reduce common cravings, rid the body of toxins, improve digestion, and create clear skin. Once the 10 days are complete, juice should be the only thing consumed for the next two days. Soup should then be introduced into the diet, followed by solid fruits, vegetables, and nuts. A normal diet should not be resumed until these steps are taken. The gradual re-introduction of food is crucial in order to avoid body shock, digestive upset, and to allow good gut bacteria to redevelop.

Most doctors do not recommend this cleanse due to the lack of essential nutrients. As with any dietary change, followers should always consult with a physician before starting this cleanse.


Foods to include:

  • The Master Cleanse lemonade
  • Salt water
  • Fresh spring water

Foods to avoid:

  • All solid foods
  • All liquids, except the aforementioned three


  • May cleanse the body of harmful toxins
  • May lead to initial weight loss
  • May improve mental clarity


  • May lead to binges
  • May cause digestive problems
  • May spark irritability 



The Master Cleanse (Links to an external site.)
Stanley Burrough’s Master Cleanse Diet (Links to an external site.) 

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