Living Foods Diet

Living Foods Diet


The living foods diet, similar to raw food diets, may be one of the oldest eating styles around. The belief behind this theory is that foods only retain their enzymes when they are in their raw and natural states, never heated above 116 degrees Fahrenheit. Enzymes are important because they aid in the digestion and absorption of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. 

On a living food diet, there are no processed foods of any kind – only foods in their original, unheated states are permitted. Fresh fruit and vegetable juices, along with purified water and coconut milk, are the primary drinks consumed. Fruits and vegetables make up the majority of this diet; however, nuts and seeds are also eaten. Though far less common, some choose to eat raw meat and raw dairy products.

Some may find this diet overly restrictive, while others may experience significant weight loss, an increase in energy, and a positive shift in vibrancy and mood. An attention to vitamins and minerals is imperative with this diet, especially vitamin B12. Adequate amounts of protein should also be consumed in the form of nuts, seeds, and raw protein powder. Followers may require supplementation to meet their necessary vitamin and mineral quantities.


Foods to include:

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Raw meat (optional)
  • Raw dairy (optional)

Foods to avoid:

  • All foods heated above 116 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Processed foods


  • May lead to weight loss
  • May increase energy
  • May become a lifestyle approach


  • Anemia is common
  • Vitamin and mineral deficiencies may occur
  • Excessive and undesirable weight loss may occur
  • Some may require cooked foods for energy and health
  • May be hard to maintain in social situations and when traveling


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