LA Weight Loss

LA Weight Loss


The LA Weight Loss approach was founded by Vahan Karian in 1989 and is now a franchise business. LA Weight Loss is a system that combines private visits with a nutritional counselor at an LA Weight Loss center with portion control and a 3-step program.

Phase 1: Weight Loss

This phase includes a customized meal plan and target goals. Members meet with counselors three times per week for as many weeks as it takes to meet their weight loss goals. Calories are very restricted during this phase and exercise plays a crucial role.

Phase 2: Stabilization

This 6-week phase is intended to keep members at their goal weight. Dieters are monitored by counselors twice per week and are given tips on how to stabilize their weight.

Phase 3: Maintenance

During this phase, which may be continued indefinitely, counselors meet with members once a week to support them in managing their weight for life.

The diet consists of balanced meals with 50-55% carbohydrates, 25-30% protein, and 20-25% fat. There is no counting calories or fat grams; however, there is strict portion control. The diet is flexible and allows for grocery store food as well as LA Weight Loss packaged foods. The meal plans are based on a 1,200 – 2,400 calorie diet.

The nutritional counselors at the centers are former clients of LA Weight Loss who have been trained by the company dietitians to support new clients. The nutritional counselors have access to registered dietitians.

Foods to include:

  • Carbohydrates
  • Dairy
  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Vegetables
  • Fruit
  • Desserts

Foods to avoid:

  • Anything in excess of above recommended portions


  • Flexible in terms of food choices
  • Honors bio-individuality
  • Low-calorie approach may lead to quick weight loss


  • Doesn’t emphasize whole foods
  • Food spectrum may be too broad for some
  • Low-calorie approach may lead to hunger and binging
  • Packaged, branded foods may be over-priced and highly processed



The LA Weight Loss System  (Links to an external site.)
LA Weight Loss Diet (Links to an external site.)

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