Fat Flush Diet

Fat Flush Diet

The Fat Flush Diet was created by Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS, author of The Fat Flush Plan. The diet claims to boost metabolism, reduce water retention, and promote fat loss by cleansing the liver and detoxifying the body.

There are three phases: A two-week weight loss jump-start, an ongoing fat flush with slightly increased calorie intake, and a lifestyle eating plan where greater variety is gradually reintroduced.

The plan includes detailed meal plans and recipes, an ongoing diet program, tips on eating out, and more. Hot water with lemon is consumed first thing in the morning followed by a protein-rich breakfast like eggs and vegetables or a smoothie. At lunch, fish or chicken and vegetables is recommended with the occasional starch such as a baked potato. Snacks include fruit, yogurt, and hardboiled eggs. Dinner is a balanced plate of protein, vegetables, and complex starch like a small sweet potato. After dinner, Fat Flush Kit Supplements are recommended along with 64 ounces of water with a splash of pure cranberry juice, said to accelerate fat loss.

The diet starts off stricter and becomes more and more diverse as you progress and reach your weight goals. This system ultimately allows you to include your favorite foods.

Foods to include:

  • Low-glycemic vegetables
  • Low-glycemic fruits
  • Whole grains
  • Meat
  • Poultry
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Beans
  • Dairy
  • Soy products
  • Healthy oils

Foods to avoid:

  • Refined grains
  • Sugar
  • Trans fats
  • Processed foods
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Caffeine


  • Emphasizes whole foods
  • Eliminates processed foods
  • May adjust the palette to crave less junk foods


  • Diet plan is dense and extensive
  • Protocol is very regimented
  • Supplements may be costly
  • May be difficult for some to access specific herbs



The Fat Flush Plan www.annelouise.com (Links to an external site.)
Fat Flush www.fatflush.com (Links to an external site.)

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