Body Ecology Diet

Body Ecology Diet

The Body Ecology Diet was developed by nutritional consultant and author Donna Gates. Her book, The Body Ecology Diet, was published in 1996. This diet emphasizes the importance of maintaining the “inner ecology” – what the body needs to function properly, including the elimination or control of symptoms that interfere with living.

An imbalanced ecosystem is marked by symptoms such as headaches, depression, food allergies, digestive problems, skin rashes, joint and muscle pain, menstrual irregularities, and low sex drive.

The Body Ecology diet is based on seven healing principles: balance, acid and alkaline, uniqueness (similar to bio-individuality), cleansing, food combining, the concept of 80/20, and the principle of gradual, step-by-step changes. By following these healing principles and moving away from a life full of poor eating habits and toxic stress, one can reboot their digestive system, enhance immunity, and restore internal harmony.

Foods to include:

  • Lean meats
  • Green leafy vegetables and root vegetables
  • Sea vegetables
  • Quinoa, buckwheat, and amaranth
  • Sprouted raw nuts and seeds
  • Garlic, onions, and scallions
  • Fermented foods (yogurt, kefir, kim chi)
  • Quality fats (extra virgin olive oil, flaxseed oil)

Foods to avoid:

  • High-sugar fruits
  • Starchy, high-carbohydrate vegetables
  • Vegetables that are not easily digested (bell peppers, eggplant)
  • Most grains
  • Refined sugars
  • Saturated fats


  • Focuses on improving overall health with natural weight loss over time
  • Takes a holistic approach to wellness
  • Provides natural alternatives to manage yeast infections, digestive disorders, and chronic fatigue


  • Restrictions can lead to cravings and feelings of deprivation
  • Recommended foods may be difficult and time consuming to prepare
  • Immediate weight loss is not expected



Body Ecology (Links to an external site.)
Body Ecology Diet (Links to an external site.)
Donna Gates, The Body Ecology Diet, Part 1 (Links to an external site.)

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