Diet Theory Library

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20/20 Diet

20/20 Diet   Phil McGraw, PhD, better known as Dr. Phil, is a psychologist, the

17 Day Diet

17 Day Diet San Diego-based physician Mike Moreno, MD, is the author of the 17

4-Hour Body Diet

4-Hour Body Diet Also known as the Slow-Carb Diet, the 4-Hour Body Diet was created

3-Season Diet

3-Season Diet The 3-Season Diet was developed by John Douillard, DC, leading practitioner in Ayurvedic

3-Hour Diet

3-Hour Diet The 3-Hour Diet was designed by Jorge Cruise, author of 8 Minutes in

2-Day Diet

2-Day Diet The 2-Day Diet was created by Sari Harrar, an award-winning health, medicine, and science writer.

1800-Calorie ADA Diet

1800-Calorie ADA Diet  The 1800-Calorie ADA Diet was set forth by the American Diabetes Association

100-Mile Diet

100-Mile Diet In the North American industrial food system, the average distance from food source


Ayurveda Diet

Ayurveda Diet   Ayurveda, meaning “the science of life,” originated in India as a holistic

Atkins Diet

Atkins Diet   Robert C. Atkins, MD, created his iconic diet in the 1960s and

Anti-carb Diets

Anti-carb Diets   Anti-carb diets consist of consuming a high amount of protein and fat

Anti-aging Diets

Anti-aging Diets Aging is a natural part of life. The good news is that research

Alternate-Day Diet

Alternate-Day Diet James B. Johnson, MD, author of The Alternate-Day Diet, has conducted several clinical

Abs Diet

Abs Diet The Abs Diet was created by David Zinczenko, editor-in-chief of Men’s Health magazine.


Buddhist Diet

Buddhist Diet Buddhism is a spiritual practice that teaches sacrifice and moderation as a means

Breatharian Diet

Breatharian Diet Breatharianism (also known as Inedia) is the belief that under proper conditions people

Body Ecology Diet

Body Ecology Diet The Body Ecology Diet was developed by nutritional consultant and author Donna

Blood Type Diet

Blood Type Diet The Blood Type Diet was created by James D’Adamo, ND, DNB, author

Biggest Loser Diet

Biggest Loser Diet The Biggest Loser Diet was made popular by NBC’s hit reality series

Best Life Diet

Best Life Diet The Best Life Diet is a program created by world-renowned exercise physiologist

Bernstein Diet

Bernstein Diet The Bernstein Diet is a clinical diet program created by Stanley Bernstein, MD,

Beck Diet Solution

Beck Diet Solution The Beck Diet Solution, created by Judith S. Beck, PhD, encourages people

Baby Food Diet

Baby Food Diet   The Baby Food Diet was created by celebrity trainer Tracy Anderson


Cabbage Soup Diet

Cabbage Soup Diet The Cabbage Soup Diet was designed as a short-term approach to rapid

Curves Diet

Curves Diet   The Curves Diet is designed specifically for women and is comprised of

Christian Diet

Christian Diet The Christian Diet is based on certain passages of the New Testament that

Chickentarian Diet

Chickentarian Diet The Chickentarian Diet, also known as the Pollotarian Diet, was coined by vegetarians

Candida Diet

Candida Diet Candida is a fungus (or yeast) that inhabits the gut flora in the

Calorie Restriction Diet

Calorie Restriction Diet Brian M. Delaney, president of the Calorie Restriction Society and co-author of


Dukan Diet

Dukan Diet The Dukan Diet was created to help French women stay thin by incorporating

Dorm Room Diet

Dorm Room Diet The Dorm Room Diet, written by Daphne Oz, daughter of Mehmet Oz,


Diet-to-Go   Established by Hilton Davis in 1991, Diet-to-Go is a Virginia-based delivery program that


DASH Diet   The DASH Diet, created in part by the National Heart, Lung, and


Engine 2 Diet

Engine 2 Diet Created by world-class triathlete-turned-firefighter, Rip Esselstyn, the Engine 2 Diet promotes a

Elimination Diet

Elimination Diet   An elimination diet involves removing specific foods that may be causing allergic

Eco-Atkins Diet

Eco-Atkins Diet   Simply stated, the Eco-Atkins Diet is the vegan/vegetarian Atkins alternative. Like the


Fat-free Diet

Fat-free Diet   A fat-free diet is one that excludes all dietary fats. It’s commonly

Fat Flush Diet

Fat Flush Diet The Fat Flush Diet was created by Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS,


Fasting   Traditional fasting is the act of abstaining from all food and drink (with

Fast Metabolism Diet

Fast Metabolism Diet The Fast Metabolism Diet was developed by Haylie Pomroy, a raw nutrition


Fruitarian   A Fruitarian diet consists mainly of raw fruit – over 75% – with

Flexitarian Diet

Flexitarian Diet The Flexitarian Diet, in simple terms, is a more flexible version of the

Flex Diet

Flex Diet The Flex Diet was created by cardiologist James Beckerman, MD, to get his

Flavor Point Diet

Flavor Point Diet In his book, The Flavor Point Diet, David L. Katz, MD, MPH,

Five Element Theory

Five Element Theory   The Five Element Theory was introduced by ancient Chinese philosophers known

Fit for Life

Fit for Life   Harvey and Marilyn Diamond co-authored the book Fit for Life, which

Fiber35 Diet

Fiber35 Diet The Fiber35 Diet, developed by Brenda Watson and Leonard Smith, MD, is a


Grapefruit Diet

Grapefruit Diet   Since the 1930s, the Grapefruit Diet has been popular as a quick,

Gout Diet

Gout Diet   Gout is a painful form of arthritis that occurs when uric acid

Gluten-free Diet

Gluten-free Diet   Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, barley, and derivatives of

GenoType Diet

GenoType Diet The GenoType Diet was created by Peter D’Adamo, ND, who also created the


GAPS   The GAPS Diet, an extension of Natasha Campbell-McBride’s Specific Carbohydrate Diet, is a


HCG Diet

HCG Diet The HCG Diet was created in the 1950s by Dr. Albert Simeons, a

Hawaii Diet

Hawaii Diet   The Hawaii Diet is more than a way of eating – it’s

Hampton’s Diet

Hampton’s Diet Written by the former Medical Director of the Atkins Center, Fred Pescatore, MD,

Hallelujah Diet

Hallelujah Diet   The Hallelujah Diet was created by Reverend George Malkmus and his wife

Hormone Diet

Hormone Diet An increasing number of studies prove that hormones can be the cause of

Hindu Diet

Hindu Diet   Hindu scriptures place high value on vegetarian eating practices. The Hindu approach

High-protein Diet

High-protein Diet   High-protein diets are thought by some to satisfy hunger longer than high-carbohydrate

High-fat Diet

High-fat Diet   The high-fat approach is a low-carbohydrate style of eating with an emphasis

High-carbohydrate Diet

High-carbohydrate Diet   High-carbohydrate diets are generally used by athletes to optimize performance. When a


It’s All Good

It’s All Good   It’s All Good is a cookbook and dietary approach developed by

Intuitive Eating

Intuitive Eating   Intuitive eating is an approach to eating that helps build a relationship


IIFYM Diet   IIFYM stands for If It Fits Your Macros, and this diet is


Juice Cleanses

Juice Cleanses   The terms “cleanse” and “detox” are often used in relation to health.

Jenny Craig Diet

Jenny Craig Diet The Jenny Craig Diet was designed by the dietitians at Jenny Craig


Kind Diet

Kind Diet The Kind Diet is an eating approach created by Alicia Silverstone based on

Ketogenic Diet

Ketogenic Diet   The Ketogenic Diet, dating back to the 1920s, was created to help


Living Foods Diet

Living Foods Diet   The living foods diet, similar to raw food diets, may be

Lean Belly Diet

Lean Belly Diet The Lean Belly Prescription: The fast and foolproof diet and weight-loss plan


Lacto-vegetarian   A vegetarian is defined as an individual who does not consume meat. However,

Lacto-ovo Vegetarian

Lacto-ovo Vegetarian A lacto-ovo vegetarian is someone who does not include meat or fish, but

LA Weight Loss

LA Weight Loss   The LA Weight Loss approach was founded by Vahan Karian in

L.A. Shape Diet

L.A. Shape Diet The L.A. Shape Diet is a 14-day plan created by David Herber,

Low-protein Diet

Low-protein Diet A low-protein diet restricts the amount of protein that is consumed, and may

Low-fat Diet

Low-fat Diet A low-fat diet is comprised of 50-55% of calories from carbohydrates, 20-25% from

Low-cholesterol Diet

Low-cholesterol Diet A low cholesterol diet is an eating plan to help prevent the buildup

Low-carbohydrate Diet

Low-carbohydrate Diet Low-carbohydrate diets limit grains, bread, pasta, white rice, baked goods, and soda. While


Low FODMAP Diet   The Low FODMAP Diet was created for people who have trouble


MyPyramid Diet

MyPyramid Diet The MyPyramid guidelines – created by the USDA and Department of Health and

MyPlate Diet

MyPlate Diet   In 2011, the USDA replaced MyPyramid with MyPlate, an icon that illustrates

Metabolic Typing Diet

Metabolic Typing Diet The Metabolic Typing diet says that there are three metabolic types: the

Mediterranean Diet

Mediterranean Diet   The Mediterranean diet is considered by some to be one of the

Medifast Diet

Medifast Diet The Medifast diet is a low-calorie meal replacement program that allows you to

Mayo Clinic Diet

Mayo Clinic Diet The Mayo Clinic diet, based on research and clinical experience, is focused

Master Cleanse

Master Cleanse The Master Cleanse is a popular approach to cleansing that has also been

Maker’s Diet

Maker’s Diet Jordan Rubin, author of The Maker’s Diet, claims that the answer to achieving


Macrobiotics Macrobiotics is a lifestyle and dietary approach founded by the philosopher George Ohsawa, based


Nutritarian Diet

Nutritarian Diet Joel Fuhrman, MD, coined the term “nutritarian” to describe his recommended way of

Nutrisystem Diet

Nutrisystem Diet Created in 1972, Nutrisystem is a low-calorie diet delivery program meant to help

No-Grain Diet

No-Grain Diet The No-Grain Diet was created by Joseph Mercola, DO, in hopes of encouraging


Omega Diet

Omega Diet The Omega Diet was created by Artemis Simopoulos, MD, to help people create

Okinawa Diet

Okinawa Diet   The Okinawa Diet emerged from the distinct eating approach associated with the

O2 Diet

O2 Diet The O2 Diet, created by Keri Glassman, RD, is structured around the Oxygen

Over-40 Diet

Over-40 Diet After age 40, the body begins to store fat at a higher rate


Pritikin Diet

Pritikin Diet The Pritikin Diet was first introduced by nutritionist and researcher Nathan Pritikin in

Pescetarian Diet

Pescetarian Diet A pescetarian eats fish and shellfish, but no red meat, poultry, or other

Perricone Prescription Diet

Perricone Prescription Diet The Perricone Prescription, an anti-aging and anti-inflammatory diet, was developed in 2002

Perfect 10 Diet

Perfect 10 Diet The Perfect 10 Diet was created by New York City internist Michael

Peanut Butter Diet

Peanut Butter Diet The Peanut Butter Diet was written by Holly McCord, MA, RD, and

Paleolithic Diet

Paleolithic Diet The Paleolithic diet, also known as Paleo or Primal diet, is rooted in


Rotation Diet

Rotation Diet Rotation Diet The Rotation Diet was created by Martin Katahn, director of the

Rice Diet

Rice Diet In 1939, Dr. Walter Kempner treated a patient who had hypertension and renal

Raw Food Diet

Raw Food Diet A raw food diet focuses on unprocessed and uncooked plant foods such


South Beach Diet

South Beach Diet The South Beach Diet was written by Dr. Arthur Agatston, MD, cardiologist

Sonoma Diet

Sonoma Diet The Sonoma Diet was inspired by California’s wine country in Sonoma Valley and

Slow Down Diet

Slow Down Diet The Slow Down Diet by Marc David is broken up into an

Slim-Fast Diet

Slim-Fast Diet The Slimfast 3-2-1 approach to dieting is based on portion control and meal

Schwarzbein Diet

Schwarzbein Diet The Schwarzbein Principle was developed by Dr. Diana Schwarzbein in the 1990’s. It

Sattva Diet

Sattva Diet The Sattva Diet is also referred to as the Yoga Diet or the

Swiss Diet

Swiss Diet The Swiss Diet was developed by Thomas Rau, MD and part-owner of the

Superfoods Diet

Superfoods Diet   The Superfoods Diet essentially refers to a style of eating that emphasizes

Sugar Busters! Diet

Sugar Busters! Diet The Sugar Busters! Diet was written by three doctors and one Fortune

Starch Solution

Starch Solution Potatoes, beans, rice, grains, and corn are the staples of Dr. McDougall’s Starch


Traffic Light Diet

Traffic Light Diet Also referred to as the Stop Light Diet, the Traffic Light Diet

TLC Diet

TLC Diet The TLC diet, created by the National Institutes of Health’s National Cholesterol Education


UltraMetabolism Diet

UltraMetabolism Diet In The Ultrametabolism Diet, Mark Hyman, MD, introduces a diet about food choice



Volumetrics The Volumetrics Weight-Control Plan was written by nutritionist Barbara Rolls, PhD and Robert A.


Vegetarian A Vegetarian diet is a plant-based approach that excludes meat, poultry, and fish. Most


Vegan A vegan diet omits all animal products and by-products: meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, honey,



Whole30 Whole30 is a nutrition and lifestyle program aimed at changing participants’ lives through food

Wheat Belly Diet

Wheat Belly Diet The Wheat Belly Diet, created by cardiologist William Davis, is based on

Weight Watchers

Weight Watchers The Weight Watchers mission is to “help people lose weight in a sustainable

Water Diet

Water Diet The Water diet is based on the basic principle that adding more water


Zone Diet

Zone Diet This New York Times bestselling book The Zone Diet was written by Dr.

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