Britany Gunderson

My name is Britany Gunderson. I am an extremely busy mom of three amazing kids and a skilled High School cheer coach of 7 years to a program full of talented and impressionable young women. I am passionate about family coaching health and fitness. A few years back I found myself overweight and miserable. As a former nurse of 10 years, I’m educated on what health should look like but even so, worked out blindly and could never quite get a handle on my nutrition. Nothing I did seemed to take away the physical or mental weight that had come with motherhood. One day I looked in the mirror and didn’t even recognize the woman staring back at me. She was tired, lacked confidence, and was uncomfortable in her own skin.

It has always been so easy to give to my children. I pour time, love, patience, money and dedication into each of them over anything in my world. Unfortunately, in turn, I wasn’t investing in being the best version of myself and it started to affect my mood towards them and my role as a healthy, influence.

As the Gaylord varsity cheer coach, I recognized deep down; that if I continued this downward path, I would not be able to guide, tour, and coach young women to be confident,, and healthy athletes. Something needed to change starting with me.

Over the past two years, I forgave myself for getting to the point I was at both physically and mentally. I demanded more out of my life, I held myself and my standards higher than ever. I have worked diligently and earned the body and mindset I so desperately knew was still there. Doing so, ignited a passion within me for wanting to be an advocate for the struggle moms rarely speak about and to provide guidance to my fellow mothers that have found themselves in the same predicament.

Whether you are a mom looking to regain pre-baby strength, a busy mom striving to balance fitness with family, or just a tired mom needing accountability, I look forward to empowering you with tailored workouts and nutritional support while building a community of like-minded to support each other as we Embrace a lifestyle that will bring pride and happiness to ourselves and will reflect in our relationship with our children.

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