1 on 1 Training

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” - Mark Twain

Includes a monthly
InBody Scan

With 1 on 1 training, you benefit from a training program that’s customized to your needs, with a professional trainer guiding you throughout an entire session. This setup also helps
you stay disciplined and focused, and ensures that you make the most of your time at the gym

Benefits of 1 on 1 Training

Personalized Attention

As you may have guessed, when you have one on one personal training sessions, you get all the attention from your trainer. You’ll be the only client they have in there, and the workout is going to be specifically for your benefit.

This kind of personalized attention is great because it opens the door to work on the things you want to work on specifically. The entire workout is geared specifically around you.

More Adaptable

One on one training allows me to more easily improvise your workout if an issue or injury arises with your body. Class settings have little to no adapting to your needs. In a class or group you are all working the same routine together.

With one on one personal training, you’re able to get an adaptable workout that’s not going to harm you. This is ideal for anyone who has previous injuries or is looking to target specific muscle groups over others.

More Education

When you work with a personal trainer, you can feel confident in the workout I give you because I’ve been trained in how bodies work. The more you work one on one with me as your personal trainer, the more I’m going to learn the best method for training your body to build more muscle, lose fat, or increase mobility. 

More of a Personal Experience

One on one personal training gives you a more personal experience. If you have concerns you’d like to make known, without others knowing, a one-on-one session is a perfect time to do that.

Sometimes you may want to talk about different programs, ask questions about how you should eat, or find out ways to stay motivated in between workout sessions, I will help you with all of that while being discreet.

Relationships Built On Trust

This may not be the case for all personal training studios out there, but it’s definitely the case for me and my clients. When I work with our clients I don’t just help you workout and then let you go. I strive to build a trusting relationship between us. I want you to be comfortable and feel like you can have an open conversation. 

If there’s a problem area on your body that you want to work on, I want you to trust me enough to tell me. If you have an injury, I want you to feel comfortable while working out, and trust that I won’t make the injury worse.


Your personal training holds you accountable so you don’t miss out on your lessons. If you don’t show up, you can expect me to call or text you to see why you’re not there. I also help you set goals and keep you accountable for those goals. Whether it’s to lose weight, gain muscle, or just feel healthier, I will work with you and hold you accountable for reaching those goals.

Contact me at (989) 619-8325 to start your program today!
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