A Little About Me

A Brief Bio

My name is Brandon Granger. I’m a husband to my beautiful wife (Haylie), and a dog dad to two crazy pitts. (Kratos, and Athena)
I’m a certified holistic health practitioner and hold my bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science. I have 10 years of experience as a weight loss specialist.

No fads, no supplements, no magic pills, instead I educate clients on the science, skills, and strategies to sustain weight loss FOREVER.

Did you know that you can lose weight and eat foods you love? Yes, even carbs. If you’re tired of yo-yo diets, restrictive eating, self-shaming, and guilt-tripping yourself because you ate a piece of cake at your kid’s birthday party… You’ve come to the right place. Welcome!

On a more personal level, I’ve grown up in Michigan my whole life, played lots of sports in high school, and fell in love with health and fitness in my early twenties. As I watched friends and loved ones pass away from lifestyle and dietary choices I knew I wanted to help promote a lifestyle of health and longevity.

I worked my way through serving jobs and worked as a screen printer until I finally became a full-time personal trainer. I continued to expand my knowledge of fitness, nutrition, and personal development. I truly believe that my success has come from a deep desire to use my gifts to serve others.

In the future, my dream is to have a get-away retreat center. I want people from all over the world to fly in and get a dose of slower living and deeper connection. Including things like cooking together, gardening, group workouts, laughing together, cold water plunges, sleeping under the stars, and more…

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