Blood Type Diet

Blood Type Diet

The Blood Type Diet was created by James D’Adamo, ND, DNB, author of One Man’s Food is Someone Else’s Poison, which presents the theory that different people react to food differently based on their blood type.

Dr. James D’Adamo’s work was carried on by his son, Peter D’Adamo, ND, who has done a great deal of scientific research to further support the correlation between human blood groups and nutrition. His most popular book, Eat Right 4 Your Type, is a New York Times bestseller.

The principle of this diet is that blood type dictates how we react to different foods and each blood type has certain strengths and weaknesses. Foods are divided into three categories based on blood type: Beneficial, neutral, and avoid. There are four basic blood types: A, B, AB, and O.

People with blood type A are said to have a sensitive immune system and thrive on a vegetarian diet of whole grains, beans, fruits, and vegetables. Foods recommended for blood type A include seafood, soy products, occasional poultry and fish, herbal teas, nuts and seeds, vegetables, fruit, some beans, olive oil, buckwheat, and low-gluten or gluten-free grains. Foods to avoid include processed meats, dairy, and excess gluten.

Blood type B is said to thrive on seafood, goat and cow dairy, lamb, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, vegetables, fruit, some beans, olive oil, and low-gluten or gluten-free grains. B types are encouraged to avoid cured meat, smoked fish, blue cheese, ice cream, brazil nuts, and coconut.

Blood type AB is thought to benefit from oily fish, goat and cow dairy, lamb, turkey, peanuts, walnuts, vegetables, fruit, some beans and legumes, olive oil, and some grains. They are told to avoid corn, barley, buckwheat, cured meat, smoked fish, butter, parmesan and blue cheese, and avocado. People with type AB are thought to have low stomach acid, according to this approach, and should therefore avoid alcohol and caffeine.

Blood type Os are the original hunter-gatherers and are said to thrive on a high-protein diet, light on dairy, beans, and grains. The blood type O plan emphasizes seafood, soy products, lean meat, organ meat, peanuts, vegetables, figs, plums, prunes, some beans, and olive oil. The diet demonizes dairy, gluten, grains, and cured meats like bacon and ham.

The Blood Type Diet says that exercise and spirituality are also related to blood type, and there are recommendations for specific types that are best suited for each type. 

As you can see, this diet mirrors bio-individuality to a certain extent, honoring the notion that different types of individuals require different food and lifestyle approaches. This diet can become quite detailed, so you want to ensure that obsessive behaviors like orthorexia don’t manifest. Remember: It’s always best to first focus on eating more whole foods and less processed, chemicalized junk food.


Foods to include, universally:

  • Green vegetables
  • Fish

Foods to avoid, universally:

  • Processed food
  • Cured meats


  • May improve digestion and absorption of nutrients
  • May lead to weight loss
  • Honors bio-individuality
  • Minimizes processed foods


  • Supporting scientific evidence is limited
  • Blood type protocols may not be accurate for everyone
  • Diet requirements may become expensive



Eat Right for Your Type (Links to an external site.)
D’Adamo Institute (Links to an external site.)

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