Breatharian Diet

Breatharian Diet

Breatharianism (also known as Inedia) is the belief that under proper conditions people can live without consuming food and water. Some breatharians believe they are fed by prana (the vital life force in Hinduism), while others believe the energy in sunlight fuels them. Breatharianism is more a way of life than a diet.

Although the diet is based on abstaining from physical food, people who consider themselves a breatharian have been known to break their fast now and then, perhaps once a month, but this varies greatly among individuals. Current scientific nutrition theories indicate that a person who follows this practice long-term would die of starvation.

Wiley Brooks is a well-known breatharian and spiritual teacher who founded the Breatharian Institute of America. He has been a breatharian for over 30 years and leads initiation workshops to a few pre-qualified applicants.


Foods to include:

  • n/a

Foods to avoid:

  • All


  • Saves time and money
  • Rids body of dietary toxins
  • Spiritual approach and considers primary food


  • Absence of food can lead to starvation, dehydration, and eventual death
  • Scientific evidence proving benefits of extreme fasting is lacking
  • Can lead to social alienation



The Breatharian Institute of America (Links to an external site.)
Breatharian Diet (Links to an external site.)

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