Lean Belly Diet

Lean Belly Diet

The Lean Belly Prescription: The fast and foolproof diet and weight-loss plan from America’s top urgent-care doctor was created by well-known Travis Stork, MD, along with editor of Men’s Magazine – Peter Moore. Together these two men created a 6-week diet plan that boasts eating the foods you love while losing pounds by adhering to simple Lean Belly laws each day.

Examples of lean belly laws:

  • 3 servings of calcium-rich foods per day
  • Switch all refined carbohydrates with whole grains
  • 8 ounces of water per day
  • choose 2 fruits to consume per day – along with at least 3 servings of vegetables per day
  • eat a breakfast rich in protein

The exercise component promoted in The Lean Belly Prescription is non-exercise activity thermogenesis, more commonly referred to as NEAT. In other words, you don’t have to run miles or join a gym to burn calories. NEAT refers to daily activities such as mowing the lawn, or walking the dog – something that has you moving, but doesn’t necessarily mean lifting weights or running on a treadmill.


Foods to increase:

  • Whole grains
  • Vegetables
  • Fruit
  • Low-fat meat (optional)
  • Beans

Foods to reduce:

  • Refined carbohydrates
  • Trans-fats


  • Allows dieters to make small changes to diet that they may find easier to adhere to
  • Promotes whole grains and dark, leafy greens
  • Discusses the benefits of achieving healthy weight and lowering risk of associated conditions and diseases
  • Promotes long term lifestyle changes rather than quick-fixed to drop pounds
  • Suggests tips on how to incorporate exercises that are easier for beginners


  • Book claims you can continue eating desserts and foods you love – rather than give potentially healthier suggestions



Travis Stork’s Lean Belly Prescription
Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis Shapefit.com (Links to an external site.)

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