Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine Diet

Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine Diet

Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine
by Gabriel Cousens, MD, is a book and dietary approach meant to jump-start health and vitality by fusing Ayurvedic principles and science. It’s an individualized program based on natural, raw, organic, and nutrient-dense live foods. The objective is to reverse chronic illness and degenerative disease while promoting balance and well-being. In addition to describing the major health benefits of this approach, the book contains 250 international vegan recipes.

Dr. Cousens teaches that the body will crave what it needs to survive and thrive, and states that exact food needs will vary from person to person. He teaches that personal preference matters in regards to food consumption – there are those who do well on higher amounts of animal protein, fat, and small amounts of carbohydrates, those who do better with more carbs and less protein, and mixed types. He says that the journey to finding your type is one of trial and error, meaning followers should experiment with different eating styles to see what makes them feel best.

Dr. Cousens integrates spirituality into his eating approach, encouraging devotees to prepare their food with love and consciousness. He believes that all food is living and should be treated as such to ensure the highest number of nutrients is imparted into the body. When food is prepared carelessly (over high heat for example) nutrients are comprised; therefore, Dr. Cousens believes that when we cook our food with care, the prana (or life force) remains intact. Dr. Cousens also believes in service and charity as part of a conscious, vibrant life.


Foods to include:

  • Land and sea vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Whole grains
  • Beans
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Meat
  • Poultry
  • Fish
  • Superfoods (e.g. chia seeds, blueberries, salmon, etc.)

Foods to avoid:

  • All processed foods
  • Excessive animal protein
  • Dairy
  • Overcooked foods


  • Focuses on bio-individuality
  • Encourages whole fruits and vegetables
  • Excludes dairy, which is a common irritant and/or allergen


  • Some do well with dairy
  • Some may need a more structured plan to lose weight



Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine www.bastyr.edu (Links to an external site.)
Dr. Cousens www.gabrielcousens.com (Links to an external site.)

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